Are you an aspiring blogger? Do you have a blog and want to get inspiration and tips on how to evolve it? This course is directed to you who want to elevate your blog content, with a focus on imagery. Zanita has made her way as one of the most respected bloggers in the world and most of that comes from her beautiful imagery. Do as over 1000 people have already done buy Zanita’s Fashion and Blog Photography course now!
The kinds of lessons you can expect, personal guidance about modelling and how to give instruction to a subject, what to look for when flattering a face in an image and how to most the most of any location. Most importantly - the course will show you how to develop your own ideas about what you like and understand the aspects of what makes a photograph beautiful.
My aim is to encourage your creatively and help you to gain a critical eye when it comes to viewing your surroundings, to understand what looks good - and just as importantly, what doesn’t!
This is the perfect course for You who want´s to start an amazing fashion blog or take your existing blog to the next level!
Price: 69USD incl. VAT
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